The Perfect Latte
A latte is a blend of Wonky Coffee espresso and steamed milk, making it a favourite for those who enjoy a milder coffee with a touch of richness. When you use Wonky Coffee’s rescued beans or pods, your latte becomes more than just a delicious drink—it becomes a sustainable choice. These beans, saved from going to waste, ensure that your daily coffee habit is both flavourful and eco-friendly, allowing you to enjoy a smooth, comforting latte while supporting efforts to reduce waste and promote sustainability.
What are you waiting for? Put the Wonk right today x
1. 1 espresso shot using Wonky Coffee’s rescued beans or pods
2. 3/4 cup of steamed milk
3. Milk froth for topping (optional)
4. Sugar or sweetener (optional)
1. Grind Wonky Coffee’s rescued beans and brew a strong shot of espresso.
2. Steam the milk until it’s hot and slightly frothy.
3. Pour the brewed espresso into a mug.
4. Slowly add the steamed milk to the espresso, holding back the froth with a spoon.
5. Top the latte with a layer of milk froth if desired.
6. Sweeten to taste
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