Sustainable coffee Ice balls

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Explore sustainable coffee iced balls! Ethically sourced and eco-friendly when using the beautifully sustainable Wonky Coffee, they chill your drink without dilution. If you have any leftover coffee, take a page out our Wonky book and reuse, reduce and recycle with this recipe!

  1. 3 Shots of Wonky coffee Nespresso
  2. Silicone or other eco-friendly material
  3. Milk or Non-Dairy Milk: Optional, for serving

  1. Brew yourself 3 shots of your wonky pods (unless you have leftovers!)
  2. Pour the cooled coffee into reusable ice ball molds, filling them up.
  3. Place the molds in the freezer and let them freeze completely, usually overnight.
  4. When ready to serve, pop the coffee balls out of the molds and place them in a glass.
  5. Add Milk (Optional) pour cold milk or non-dairy milk over the coffee balls if desired.
  6. Enjoy Stir gently as the coffee balls melt, releasing the coffee flavour into your drink.

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