Hot Chocolate Coffee
A hot chocolate coffee is a delightful fusion of rich, hot chocolate and Wonky Coffee, offering a perfect balance. You might want to make it as a cozy treat on a cold day, a dessert drink after dinner, or just when you're in need of a mood boost. Using rescued Wonky Coffee pods or beans adds an eco-friendly twist, helping reduce waste by repurposing coffee that might not meet standard aesthetic criteria but is still perfectly delicious.
Put the Wonk right today x
1. 1 cup of brewed coffee, using rescued Wonky coffee pods or beans
2. 1/2 cup of hot milk
3. 2 tablespoons of hot chocolate mix
4. Whipped cream (optional)
5. Chocolate shavings or cocoa powder (optional)
1. Brew a strong cup of coffee using your Wonky coffee pod.
2. In a separate mug, mix the hot chocolate mix with hot milk until smooth.
3. Pour the brewed coffee into the mug with the hot chocolate, stirring well to combine.
4. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate shavings or cocoa powder if desired.
5. Serve hot and enjoy your sustainable, comforting drink!
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