Lucky dip wonky pod menu
These Wonky Pods have been rescued, renamed and are ready for a new home 🏡
We work with a Q Grader who tastes and quality checks every Wonky Pod, we then work with our Odd community to come up with fun names and descriptions to put in a little menu. You can view your batch number on the bottom of your dispenser box.

Fully Loaded

Have we seen the movie Herbie: Fully Loaded? Definitely. It’s that one with Lindsay Lohan and the talking car. Which naturally leads us to this delicious pod made from rich dark chocolate blended with cloves and herbs. One for both coffee lovers and petrol heads. And herb connoisseurs. Obviously.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 2/10
- Body: Heavy
- Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Cloves, Herbal
- Intensity: 9/10
Barbie’s Dream Pod

Come on Barbie, let’s get coffee. And then go and see Oppenheimer next door. We’re just Kens but we love this Barbie-coloured pod made from a blend of sweet muscat, raisin and orange blossom. That's just what it’s made of.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 5/10
- Body: Light cream
- Tasting Notes: Muscat, Raisin, Orange Blossom
- Intensity: 8/10
Buy Yourself Flowers

We love flowers. Receiving them. Sniffing them. Drinking them. Especially in the form of this flowery pod made from a blend of linden, white floral and violet. If you can buy yourself flowers and hold your own hand, this is the pod for you.
- Best Served as: Espresso , Ristretto
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: smooth /velvet
- Tasting Notes: Linden , white floral , violet
- Intensity: 7/10
Fresh Quince of Bel-air

Now this is a story all about how
Your coffee got flipped turned upside down
Now grab yourself mug and sit right there
And savour every sip of the Fresh Quince of Bel-air
- Best Served as: Espresso , Lungo
- Bitterness: 5/10
- Acidity: 7/10
- Body: Milky
- Tasting Notes: Quince, Lime, Salted Caramel
- Intensity: 6/10
Violet Beauregarde

Wonka himself would approve of this rich pod, made from a blend of roasted almonds, melon, blueberries and dark chocolate. Go and grab a slice of your favourite pie to pair with it for an experience that’s sweet as…you know. We just hope there’s no turning blue.
- Best Served as: Espresso , Ristretto
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 2/10
- Body: Creamy
- Tasting Notes: Roasted almond ,melon , blueberry, dark choc
- Intensity: 8/10
Plummy Blinders

We’ve been instructed to tell you about this pod by order of the Plummy Blinders. Made from a blend of orange marmalade, prunes and plum, it’ll make you tip your flat cap and give Plummy Shelby a big pat on the back. Although we wouldn’t recommend it. He's got a bit of a temper.
- Best Served as: Espresso , Ristretto
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: smooth
- Tasting Notes: Orange marmalade, Prunes and Plums
- Intensity: 7/10
Be Pre-Peared

In the words of Boy Scouts and Scar from the Lion King: always be prepared. We took their advice and pre-peared this delicious pod made from a blend of zesty lemon & lime, juicy pear and sweet vanilla. Pre-pear be dazzled.
- Best Served as: Espresso , Lungo
- Bitterness: 3/10
- Acidity: 8/10
- Body: Juicy
- Tasting Notes: Lemon, Lime, Pear and Vanilla
- Intensity: 5/10
Nutty but Nice

Golden roasted hazelnuts. Tangy licorice. Delicious when eaten on their own, but when combined they make the perfect golden duo for this solid gold pod. Nut one you wanna miss.
- Best Served as: Espresso , Ristretto
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 2/10
- Body: Full body
- Tasting Notes: Roasted hazelnut & Licorice
- Intensity: 8/10
Brownies for Breakfast

When we were kids, we thought being an adult meant you could eat ice cream for every meal and Skittles counted as eating your greens. This mouthwatering pod made from a blend of chocolate brownie and salted caramel is the grown-up version of eating dessert for breakfast, so embrace your inner child and give it a sip.
- Best Served as: Espresso , Ristretto
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 2/10
- Body: Creamy
- Tasting Notes: Chocolate Brownie and Salted Caramel
- Intensity: 9/10
From the Window to the Walnuts

If you still go clubbing on a school night, your energy matches this little powerhouse of a purple pod. Made from sweet blackberries and nutty walnuts, it’ll have you dancing to Jason Derulo with your top off at 3am, and into work for 9 the next day. Just don’t tell the boss.
- Best Served as: Espresso , Ristretto ,Lungo
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 5/10
- Body: Juicy
- Tasting Notes: Blackberry and Walnuts
- Intensity: 6/10
Wake me up before you Cocoa

This pod puts the boom boom into your heart
It’s sends your soul sky high when the brewing starts
Jitterbug into your brain
Made from cocoa and molasses, the taste is insane.
- Best Served as: Espresso , Ristretto
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: Creamy
- Tasting Notes: Dark Cocoa and Molasses
- Intensity: 9/10
You Gateau Be Kidding Me

We love a gateau. And a trifle. And a baked alaska. And basically any 70s dessert we can pack into the freezer. But black forest gateau is our ride or die, which is why we combined it with vanilla and roasted almonds to make this indulgent little pod. We’re gonna need a bigger spoon.
- Best Served as: Espresso , Ristretto ,Lungo
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: Round/full
- Tasting Notes: Blackforest Cake, Vanilla and Roasted Almonds
- Intensity: 8/10
Have a grape day

What’s eating Gilbert Grape? Looks like a bear, but we could be wrong. He’s not having a grape day, but you could be if you drink this tasty pod. Made from a blend of cashew nut, brown sugar and fruity grape, it’s a great day for a grape day.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Ristretto, Lungo
- Bitterness: 4/10
- Acidity: 7/10
- Body: Juicy
- Tasting Notes: Cashew Nut, Brown Sugar and Grape
- Intensity: 6/10
Berry Good, Berry Nice

Good. Nice. We’ve run out of adjectives for our pods at this point so we’ve gone back to basics and called this pod exactly what it is - good and nice. But we’ve put berry in front of both of them to add a bit of flavour. Which this pod, made from dark caramel and hawthorn berries has got bags of. Nice. Good.
- Best Served as: Espresso , Ristretto
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 2/10
- Body: Heavy
- Tasting Notes: Dark caramel and Hawthorn Berries
- Intensity: 8/10
Nut today mate
Pink and Blue

Generally speaking he's larger than life,
but stayed out too late and got coated by the wife,
Save that banter for another date,
Just make him a coffee, nut today mate.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: Medium
- Acidity: Mild
- Body: Well balanced and smooth
- Tasting Notes: Caramel, Mango and Sweet Nut
- Intensity: 5/10
A Sign of the Pine

Just stop your napping
It's A Sign of the Pine
Welcome to the greatest drink
It’s got nutmeg and chocolate in it.
Made with a blend of nutmeg, pine and dark chocolate this pod is Magic in a cup. It’s our Golden child because it Makes You Beautiful - if you buy it we’ll Adore You.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 2/10
- Body: Heavy
- Tasting Notes: Nutmeg, pine, dark choc
- Intensity: 9/10
Breakfast Slice

How do you like your toast in the morning? We like ours with a hug. From a stranger. Who’s snuck in through the window and likes to watch us sleep. We know other people prefer to kick off the day with a tasty coffee, so we’ve toasted golden cereal and added a dash of caramel for this breakfast-conquering pod. We'll toast to that.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Smooth
- Tasting Notes: Caramel and Toasted Golden Cereal
- Intensity: 7/10
Illegally Blonde
Compostable Pink

We feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life. Like when someone says ‘All your coffee pods taste the same’ we scream ‘WE OBJECT’ and smash a hammer onto a table. And this tasty pod, made from a blend of praline, vanilla and chocolate is a gemini vegetarian and Harvard approved. And it’s definitely a Marilyn, not a Jackie.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 6/10
- Body: Strong
- Tasting Notes: Praline, Vanilla and Chocolate
- Intensity: Navy Blue (Flower top)
Here Comes Truffle
Purple (Flower top)

When has anyone ever tasted a truffle and said ‘I didn’t really like that truffle’. No-one. It’s never happened in the history of humankind. Chocolate truffle is one of the essential food groups which is why we’ve blended it with coconut to create this exquisite, truffley little number. Snuffle it while you can.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Creamy
- Tasting Notes: Coconut and truffles chocolate
- Intensity: 10/10
The Santana
Gold (Flower top)

This pod is just like the ocean
Under the moon
It will guarantee devotion
From, all of you
It’s got the kind of chocolate that will
Be sooo smooth yeah
Brew us this pod, it’s unreal… or else forget about it.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: Silky smooth
- Tasting Notes: smooooooth chocolate
- Intensity: 8/10
We Want Candy
Bronze (Flower top)

All the people want is candy. They’re outside our office now, brandishing their placards, demanding candy in their coffee. Well, we always give the people what they want so here’s a little powerhouse of a pod made from a blend of dark chocolate and candied nuts. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Full body
- Tasting Notes: Dark chocolate, candied nuts
- Intensity: 10/10
Wink Wink, Fudge Fudge
Red (Flower top)
Pssst. Psssssssst. Hey you. Yeah you. Do you like fudge, rich chocolate and roasted almonds all packaged up into one delicious coffee pod? Well, today’s your lucky day my son because that’s exactly what you’ve got. Don’t tell the others. They’ll all want a slice.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Creamy
- Tasting Notes: Fudge, Chocolate and roasted almonds
- Intensity: 8/10
Marvelous Mrs Maple
Starbucks Red

Wonderful. Awe-inspiring. Fantastic. Extraordinary. Spectacular. Absolutely Marvelous. This little coffee pod made from a blend of maple syrup and sweet spices has been called all of the above. By us. And you too, once you’ve tried it. Astonishing.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 7/10
- Body: Balanced
- Tasting Notes: Maple syrup and sweet spices
- Intensity: 8/10
Lemoney Drinkit

Lemony Snickit once said, “Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like.” Luckily this coffee pod made from buttery cedar, zesty lemon and a touch of cream, isn’t one of them. A very fortunate event, you could say.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 6/10
- Body: Smooth
- Tasting Notes: Cedar, lemon, cream
- Intensity: 7/10
No Fig Deal

Noel Edmonds used to make a living out of hanging out with the inflatable liability known as Mr Blobby. Then he moved into the business of opening boxes of money, which was a creative way to get people into gambling. But this coffee pod, made from smooth vanilla, jammy jig and fragrant herb is never a gamble. Bet you didn’t see that coming.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 4/10
- Acidity: 6/10
- Body: Velvet
- Tasting Notes: Vanilla, Fig, Herb
- Intensity: 7/10
Macadame Judi Dench

If we had to choose between a night out with award-winning actress (and national treasure) Judi Dench and a night in with a mug of Macadame Judi Dench (soon-to-be national treasure) then we’re putting our slippers on, getting cosy and asking the real Judi if we can reschedule. Sorry, Judi. Get a Bucks Fizz on us.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 2/10
- Acidity: 6/10
- Body: Silky
- Tasting Notes: Pear, Macadamia Nut, Lemon
- Intensity: 6/10
Oh honey, honey
Hot Pink

Oh coffee poddy
How it thrills me
Ah ha, Honey Honey.
You haven’t heard about it before
But you want to know some more
So we tenuously changed the lyrics to an Abba song to let you know
That this pod is made from coffee blossom honey, pine and dark chocolate.
Oh, how it makes us dizzy.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 7/10
- Body: Heavy
- Tasting Notes: Coffee Blossom, Pine, Dark Chocolate
- Intensity: 9/10
Spice Up Your Life
Honey Gold

When you're feelin' sad and low
This pod will take you where you gotta go
Smilin', dancin', it beats a cup of tea
Blended with almonds, cedar and positivity
Coffee-sippers of the world
Spice up Your Life.
(It’s so posh it’s scary).
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 8/10
- Body: Creamy
- Tasting Notes: Roasted Almonds, Cedar and Sweet Spices
- Intensity: 8/10
Where's Walnuts?

Has anyone seen a guy wearing a stripey top and glasses? For some reason he keeps melting into the crowd when we’re trying to talk to him about our new coffee pod. Ah well, we’ll tell you instead. Rich caramel, chocolate and walnuts blended together to create pure coffee magic. Oh, found him. What a wally.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 2/10
- Body: Heavy
- Tasting Notes: Caramel, Chocolate and Walnuts
- Intensity: 9/10
You Like to Sip it, Sip it

If you don’t hear Madagascar and immediately think of King Julian shaking it on a branch, did you even have a childhood? In this case, we’ve taken the best of the King’s Madagascan Vanilla and blended it with cream and cinnamon to create this tasty pod that’s as smooth as silk. And Julian’s dance moves.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: Full body
- Tasting Notes: Cream, Cinnamon and Madagascan Vanilla
- Intensity: 8/10
Fill Me Up, Buttercup

Why do you fill us up
Buttercup, baby
When we drink you down?
And swish you around
And then, best of all
You’re chocolatey, baby
With butter and nuts
And we love you still
We need you
To wake us up, darling
You know that you make our day start
So fill us up
Buttercup, don't break our hearts.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: Smooth
- Tasting Notes: Hazelnut, Dark Chocolate and Butter
- Intensity: 8/10
Deez Cashewnuts

To be honest, we don’t know what ‘deez nuts’ really means. But we know it’s rude. And so does Liam, which is probably why he suggested it. But something being rude has never stopped us from doing business in the past so it’s not gonna stop us now. This pod is a delicious blend of roasted cashewnut, juicy grape and hawthorn. The only rude thing about that is how good it is.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 5/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Milky
- Tasting Notes: Roasted Cashewnut, Grape, Hawthorn
- Intensity: 7/10
Sugar & Spice

What makes everything better? A little bit of spice. We took that on board when we made this little pod from sugar, spice and all things nice. And by all things nice we mean rich roasted peanuts which have been blended with brown sugar and spice. We’re just glad we didn’t put any snails or puppy dog tails in this one.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Smooth
- Tasting Notes: Roasted peanut, brown sugar, spicy
- Intensity: 7/10
Great British Pod Off

There’s nothing worse than a soggy bottom. Especially if you’re sitting on the bus. If you're making a cake, it can get you kicked off a TV show. Luckily this fruity pod, made from juicy melon, creamy yoghurt and sweet forest cake would definitely earn a Hollywood handshake. And a lucrative cookbook deal, probably.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 3/10
- Acidity: 6/10
- Body: Silky
- Tasting Notes: Melon, yogurt, forest cake
- Intensity: 6/10
Smoke on the Hot Water

It’s fire in your mug. They say there's no smoke without fire, but in this case the blaze in question is a delicious cup of coffee. This aromatic pod is made from a blend of smoke, sun-dried tomato and cedar making it a rich, earthy blend that will transport you straight to a velvet lounge in the 1930s with a greenhouse extension. Pretty smooth.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Smooth
- Tasting Notes: Sweet and smokey
- Intensity: 7/10
The Polar Espresso
Snow. A train. The smooth tones of Tom Hank. The creepiest visuals that have ever been created for film. We took our inspiration for the delicious Polar Espresso pod from a cinematic masterpiece and made it from a blend of toffee, molasses and Christmas pudding. Bring some out here.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: Round
- Tasting Notes: Toffee and Christmas Pudding
- Intensity: 8/10
Thriller with Vanilla

It's close to midday
And something tasty’s lurking on your desk
All through the meeting
You see a drink that’s better than the rest
You try to yawn
But drooling takes the sound before you make it
You take a sip
And caffeine hits you right between the eyes
You're energised.
Cause this is Thriller. Thriller with Vanilla.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 5/10
- Body: Velvet
- Tasting Notes: Vanilla, Hazelnut, Stone Fruit
- Intensity: 8/10
Live and Let Wine

Do you like your coffee shaken or stirred? If you said shaken then you must not wear a lot of white because we've ruined a lot of perfectly good t-shirts that way. This rich pod, made from a blend of musk, malt and red wine, is as smooth and silky as Bond himself. Give it a try - you only live twice.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 5/10
- Body: Smooth
- Tasting Notes: Red Wine, Malt and Musk
- Intensity: 8/10
A Sign of the Pine

Just stop your napping
It's A Sign of the Pine
Welcome to the greatest drink
It’s got nutmeg and chocolate in it.
Made with a blend of nutmeg, pine and dark chocolate this pod is Magic in a cup. It’s our Golden child because it Makes You Beautiful - if you buy it we’ll Adore You.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 2/10
- Body: Heavy
- Tasting Notes: Nutmeg, pine, dark choc
- Intensity: 9/10
Breakfast Slice

How do you like your toast in the morning? We like ours with a hug. From a stranger. Who’s snuck in through the window and likes to watch us sleep. We know other people prefer to kick off the day with a tasty coffee, so we’ve toasted golden cereal and added a dash of caramel for this breakfast-conquering pod. We'll toast to that.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Smooth
- Tasting Notes: Caramel and Toasted Golden Cereal
- Intensity: 7/10
Illegally Blonde
Compostable Pink

We feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life. Like when someone says ‘All your coffee pods taste the same’ we scream ‘WE OBJECT’ and smash a hammer onto a table. And this tasty pod, made from a blend of praline, vanilla and chocolate is a gemini vegetarian and Harvard approved. And it’s definitely a Marilyn, not a Jackie.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 6/10
- Body: Strong
- Tasting Notes: Praline, Vanilla and Chocolate
- Intensity: Navy Blue (Flower top)
Here Comes Truffle
Purple (Flower top)

When has anyone ever tasted a truffle and said ‘I didn’t really like that truffle’. No-one. It’s never happened in the history of humankind. Chocolate truffle is one of the essential food groups which is why we’ve blended it with coconut to create this exquisite, truffley little number. Snuffle it while you can.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Creamy
- Tasting Notes: Coconut and truffles chocolate
- Intensity: 10/10
The Santana
Gold (Flower top)

This pod is just like the ocean
Under the moon
It will guarantee devotion
From, all of you
It’s got the kind of chocolate that will
Be sooo smooth yeah
Brew us this pod, it’s unreal… or else forget about it.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: Silky smooth
- Tasting Notes: smooooooth chocolate
- Intensity: 8/10
We Want Candy
Bronze (Flower top)

All the people want is candy. They’re outside our office now, brandishing their placards, demanding candy in their coffee. Well, we always give the people what they want so here’s a little powerhouse of a pod made from a blend of dark chocolate and candied nuts. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Full body
- Tasting Notes: Dark chocolate, candied nuts
- Intensity: 10/10
Wink Wink, Fudge Fudge
Red (Flower top)
Pssst. Psssssssst. Hey you. Yeah you. Do you like fudge, rich chocolate and roasted almonds all packaged up into one delicious coffee pod? Well, today’s your lucky day my son because that’s exactly what you’ve got. Don’t tell the others. They’ll all want a slice.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Creamy
- Tasting Notes: Fudge, Chocolate and roasted almonds
- Intensity: 8/10
Marvelous Mrs Maple
Starbucks Red

Wonderful. Awe-inspiring. Fantastic. Extraordinary. Spectacular. Absolutely Marvelous. This little coffee pod made from a blend of maple syrup and sweet spices has been called all of the above. By us. And you too, once you’ve tried it. Astonishing.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 7/10
- Body: Balanced
- Tasting Notes: Maple syrup and sweet spices
- Intensity: 8/10
Vanilla Nice Pod, Baby

Nice pod, baby.
Vanilla nice pod, baby.
Alright stop. Collaborate and listen. Wonky Coffee is back with a brand new invention. It’s this delicious little pod, made from a blend of lively grapefruit and sweet vanilla. Subtle and balanced, it’ll get your whole morning jumpin’.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 3/10
- Acidity: 7/10
- Body: Subtle and balanced
- Tasting Notes: Lively Grapefruit and Vanilla
- Intensity: 6/10
Smart Cookie

If this pod took an IQ test, it’d be a certified genius. Made from a delicious blend of cookies, caramelised sugar and hazelnuts there hasn’t been a cleverer mixture of flavours since someone first decided to put marmite on a cheese sandwich. Brew it as an espresso and watch its true genius unfold.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 2/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: Light
- Tasting Notes: Cookies, Caramelised Sugar and Hazelnuts
- Intensity: 5/10
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butterscotch
Baby Blue

When you taste this little pod you won’t believe it’s not butterscotch. And that’s because it actually is. A tasty combination of milk chocolate, sweet butterscotch and marzipan, it’s a warming, festive treat in a mug. And if you hold it under your chin it’ll tell your future. Or at least tell you if you like butterscotch.
- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 2/10
- Acidity: 7/10
- Body: Tea like
- Tasting Notes: Milk Chocolate, Butterscotch and Marzipan
- Intensity: 4/10
Bohemian Rhapspoddy

We see a little sillho-uetto of a pod
Caramel! Caramel!
And a tasty glug of chocolate
Thunderbolt of coffee
Tastes a bit like toffee, see
Great Espresso! Great Espresso, figuro.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 5/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Balanced
- Tasting Notes: Salted Caramel and Chocolate
- Intensity: 5/10
Cereal Killer

If you like true crime pods, you might know a thing or two about serial killers. If you like breakfast, you might know a thing or two about killer cereals. For this tasty pod, we combined malted cereal, sweet caramel and juicy raisins to make this perfectly balanced lungo that kills your desire for any other coffee. Guilty as charged.
- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 3/10
- Acidity: 5/10
- Body: Balanced
- Tasting Notes: Caramel, Malted Cereal and Raisins
- Intensity: 7/10
Chocolate Digestiv-o

We decided to name this pod after exactly what it says on the biscuit tin. Just pure chocolate Digestives through and through. A smooth blend that tastes exactly like its namesake, you can brew the tastiest lungo or espresso you’ve ever drunk and then pop a few biscuits on the side to dunk. Double digestive? Don’t mind if we do.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: Smooth
- Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate Digestives
- Intensity: 6/10
Cardamona Lisa
Yellow gold

If you go to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre, you’ll know her eyes follow you around the room. If you go there holding a coffee made from this delicious pod, she’ll climb right out the painting and try to take a sip. Made from a blend of cardamom, hazelnut and smooth caramel, it’s a sweet, creamy masterpiece. Mona herself would crack a grin if she tried it.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Balanced
- Tasting Notes: Cardamom, Hazelnut and Caramel
- Intensity: 6/10
Yippee Ki-yay another cuppa
Magenta Pink

We’re not willing to get into the debate about whether Die Hard is a Christmas film or not. It always gets out of hand. What we are willing to get into is what we used to make this tasty little pod - a combination of malt, smooth chocolate and almonds. Heavy but balanced, you’ll definitely be saying ‘yippee’ and ‘yay’ when you try it.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Heavy but balanced
- Tasting Notes: Malty, Chocolate and Almonds
- Intensity: 10/10
Manuka Matata

Manuka Matata
What a wonderful name
Manuka Matata
Ain’t no passing craze
It means better coffee
For the rest of your days
It’s a problem-free
Hon-ey coffee
Manuka Matata.
- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Bold
- Tasting Notes: Cocoa, Manuka Honey and Toasted nuts
- Intensity: 10/10
Elmer Fudge

If you’re vewy vewy quiet you might just hear the sound of this tasty little coffee pod calling your name. Made from a glorious blend of molasses, fudge and almonds this rich, nutty blend makes a full-bodied espresso that will blow your socks off. Who needs to hunt wabbits when you could capture one of these instead?
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 2/10
- Body: Full body
- Tasting Notes: Molasses, Fudge and Almonds
- Intensity: 9/10
Cinnabrew Delight
Gotta find this pod, gotta hold it tight
Gotta grab some Cinnabrew Delight
Our motto’s always been “when the brew’s right, it’s right”
So why not brew caramel, cinnamon and cloves up tonight?
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 4/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Balanced and intense
- Tasting Notes: Caramel, Cinnamon and Cloves
- Intensity: 9/10
Mark Truffalo
Purple (Flower top)

What can we say about little Mark Truffalo? This purple pod made from coconut and chocolate truffle is 13 (going on 30) out of 10, and we’ll Avenge anyone who says otherwise. Brew it as an espresso for the tastiest Dark Waters you’ve ever drunk that’s Just Like Heaven and will be the Spotlight of your morning routine. If you didn’t get any of these references don’t worry - we can always Begin Again.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Creamy
- Tasting Notes: Coconut and truffles chocolate
- Intensity: 10/10
Cinnapod Buns

If you’ve ever walked past a cinnamon doughnut shop, you’ll know that smell is irresistible. We’ve recreated it for this creamy pod made from a blend of dark chocolate, hazelnuts and cinnamon that you only need to try once to become thoroughly addicted. A rich breakfast treat for the nose and the tastebuds.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: Creamy
- Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Hazelnuts and Cinnamon
- Intensity: 6/10
Willy Wonk
Gold (Flower top)

It’s a world of pure choc-elation. Since we’ve recently embraced our wonky side, we thought it was only right that we dedicated this pure chocolate pod to the main man himself. You don’t need a golden ticket to drink this solid gold pod, but you do need a palette that appreciates the smoothest coffee money can buy. Now we just need a whole river of the stuff. Working on it.
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body: Silky smooth
- Tasting Notes: smooooooth chocolate
- Intensity: 8/10
The Candied Nuts Shop
Brown (Flower top)

We’ll take you to the Candied Nuts Shop
We’ll let you drink this little pod
C’mon sip and don’t you stop
Keep going til you’ve drained the mug WOAH
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Full body
- Tasting Notes: Dark chocolate, candied nuts
- Intensity: 10/10
The Nutty Embrace
Red (Flower top)
Imagine the biggest hug you’ve ever had. Then imagine it again but the other person involved is entirely made from fudge, chocolate and roasted almonds. That’s the best description we can give of what drinking this rich, creamy little pod is like. Pure chocolatey nuts getting you in a headlock. But in a good way.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: Creamy
- Tasting Notes: Fudge, Chocolate and roasted almonds
- Intensity: 8/10
Maybe it’s Mapeline
Starbucks Red

Maybe you’re born with it. Except you definitely weren’t unless you were born yesterday because there’s no way you could’ve got your hands on it before now. This perfectly balanced pod made with a blend of maple syrup and sweet spice, will have you swishing your hair from pure coffee joy. Maybe it’s Mapeline. Nah it definitely is. No maybes about it.
- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 7/10
- Body: Balanced
- Tasting Notes: Maple syrup and sweet spices
- Intensity: 8/10
Barbie's Dream Pod
Compostable Pink

Come on Barbie, let’s get coffee. And then go and see Oppenheimer next door. We’re just Kens but we love this Barbie-coloured pod made from a blend of sweet muscat, raisin and orange blossom. That's just what it’s made of.
- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 5/10
- Body: Light cream
- Tasting Notes: Muscat, Raisin, Orange Blossom
- Intensity: 8/10
The Toast of Breakfast Future

- Best Served as: Espresso/Lungo
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Chocolate and Toasted Nuts
- Intensity: 10/10
Roasted Fruit Fury

- Best Served as: Espresso/Lungo
- Bitterness: 5/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Chocolate and Toasted Nuts
- Intensity: 9/10
Chili Wonka
Light Green

- Best Served as: Espresso/Lungo
- Bitterness: 5/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Spices and Chocolate
- Intensity: 9/10
Caramac Cloves
Tangerine Orange

- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 5/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Cloves, Caramac Chocolate
- Intensity: 9/10
Custard Cream Pie

- Best Served as: Espresso/Lungo
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 1/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Dark Choc, Hazlenut and Apple
- Intensity: 7/10
Malt Burn

- Best Served as: Espresso/Lungo
- Bitterness: 3/10
- Acidity: 1/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Malted Cereal
- Intensity: 8/10
Don't Give a Daim
Arctic Blue

- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 4/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Daim Chocolate Bar
- Intensity: 3/10
Caramela Parker Bowles
Apricot Orange

- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 3/10
- Acidity: 6/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Choc, Caramel & Nuts
- Intensity: 6/10
Risk It for a Spicy Biscuit
Rose Pink

- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 3/10
- Acidity: 3/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Nutty, Spices, Biscuit
- Intensity: 6/10
Figourney Weaver

- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 2/10
- Acidity: 6/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Figs and Caramel
- Intensity: 7/10
Self Raisin Flowers

- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 2/10
- Acidity: 6/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Raisin, Rose and Praline
- Intensity: 7/10
Silver Foxy Coffee

- Best Served as:
- Bitterness: Lungo
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: 7/10
- Tasting Notes: Citrus Fruits and Dark Chocolate
- Intensity: 8/10
Show Me the Honey
Honey Gold

- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 3/10
- Acidity: 8/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Honey and Nuts
- Intensity: 5/10
Banging the Plums
Chocolate Brown

- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 2/10
- Acidity: 8/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Plum, Figs and White Choc
- Intensity: 6/10
Nutella on Toast

- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 1/10
- Acidity: 8/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Toast, Chocolate and Hazlenuts
- Intensity: 6/10
Panna Apricotta

- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 1/10
- Acidity: 8/10
- Body:
- Tasting Notes: Apricot, Vanilla and Lime
- Intensity: 6/10

- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 5/10
- Body: 9/10
- Tasting Notes: Fruity, pine, earthy
- Intensity: 10/10

- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 5/10
- Acidity: 5/10
- Body: 6/10
- Tasting Notes: Rich, spicy, wild
- Intensity: 8/10

- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 6/10
- Body: 6/10
- Tasting Notes: Mango-like, citrus, sugarcane
- Intensity: 9/10

- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 5/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: 6/10
- Tasting Notes: tropic fruit, herby, mango-like
- Intensity: 8/10

- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 8/10
- Acidity: 1/10
- Body: 9/10
- Tasting Notes: Berry, stone fruit, grape
- Intensity: 9/10
- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 4/10
- Acidity: 7/10
- Body: 8/10
- Tasting Notes: Vanilla, chocolate, nuts
- Intensity: 8/10

- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 6/10
- Acidity: 5/10
- Body: 4/10
- Tasting Notes: Walnut, stone fruit, yellow plum
- Intensity: 8/10

- Best Served as: Ristretto, Espresso
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 6/10
- Body: 3/10
- Tasting Notes: Yellow Plum, cashew nut, black tea
- Intensity: 8/10

- Best Served as: Lungo
- Bitterness: 3/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: 5/10
- Tasting Notes: Walnut, wild, sweet nut
- Intensity: 8/10

- Best Served as: Espresso
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: 8/10
- Tasting Notes: berry, brown sugar, syrupy
- Intensity: 9/10

- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 9/10
- Acidity: 4/10
- Body: 5/10
- Tasting Notes: Rich, blackcurrant, grape
- Intensity: 9/10

- Best Served as: Espresso, Lungo
- Bitterness: 7/10
- Acidity: 2/10
- Body: 8/10
- Tasting Notes: Grape, smooth, syrupy
- Intensity: 8/10
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